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Special Events

Step into a nurturing space of deep relaxation and rejuvenation in this workshop combining restorative yoga with intuitive sound healing. Designed to unwind tension, soothe the
senses, and foster inner peace, this experience offers participants a unique opportunity to
harmonize body, mind, and spirit.


Restorative Yoga (45 minutes): Begin with gentle, supported yoga postures designed to release muscular tension and encourage deep relaxation. Props such as bolsters, blankets, and blocks will be provided to facilitate comfort and ease. Each posture will be held for several minutes, allowing the body to open gradually and the mind to quieten.


Immersive Sound Healing (60 minutes): Transition into a transformative journey of sound healing. You will be immersed in a symphony of therapeutic sounds from sacred instruments
such as crystal singing bowls, Tibetan bowls, chimes, and more. The resonant frequencies of these instruments will gently guide you into a state of profound relaxation and inner harmony. This segment will include lying-down positions to fully absorb the healing vibrations.


Integration Period (15 minutes): Conclude the workshop with a guided integration period, allowing time to slowly reawaken and ground yourself after the sound healing journey. Herbal
tea will be provided during this quiet time.

Who Should Attend: This workshop is suitable for individuals of all levels, including beginners to yoga and sound healing. Whether you are seeking stress relief, relaxation, or a deeper connection to self, you are warmly invited to join this healing journey.


What to Bring: Yoga mat, your beautiful soul, and an open heart.

Restorative & Sound Healing Immersion Flyer.png
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