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Sound Healing

Sound healing is a therapeutic practice that utilizes the power of sound vibrations to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. By employing various instruments such as singing bowls, tuning forks, sound healers aim to harmonize and balance the body's energy centers, known as chakras, and induce a state of deep relaxation.


These vibrations can resonate with and realign the body's natural frequencies, facilitating healing on multiple levels, from reducing stress and anxiety to enhancing clarity of mind and fostering inner peace.


Being a musician of almost 20 years, music has impacted my life greatly. Being able to tap into this healing modality has brought my life full circle. ​I currently use the following instruments in my sound healing: tongue drum, crystal singing bowls, Tibetan singing bowls, rain sticks, chimes, drums, and a gong.​​



I am offering weekly 1 hour sound healing sessions at Yoga and Massage! No experience necessary, just bring yourself, your yoga mat, and an open heart! Comforting props such as bolsters, blankets, and weighted eye bags will be provided.


Join me on Sundays at 12pm in the Moon Studio. Limited spots available - pre-register to secure your spot!



Looking to add sound healing to your private event? Send me a message via the Contact page and we can connect!

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