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Yoga Studio

Namaste beautiful souls!


My name is Kelly Flowers and I am honored to have you here on my site. The ancient practice of yoga entered my life about a decade ago - shortly after a life-altering injury. The Asana limb of yoga liberated me from the daily pain I had so quickly accepted as permanent. 


I first embarked on my healing journey shortly after my father lost his battle to cancer in early 2020. Uncovering past traumas I had buried so deep, mending old and deep wounds, and discovering my true authentic self. The practice of Pranayama and Dhyana along with my Asana practice aided me in this transformational journey. It was during this time that I felt the deep calling to share these sacred practices.


In 2023 I graduated from YAM Yoga School as a RYT-200 certified yoga teacher. This program transcended my healing journey into something even greater. The sages known as the Yamas and Niyamas guide me through my life. I feel myself closer to Samadhi.


In early 2024 I graduated from BodSphere Yoga School from their YTT-300 program. I specifically trained in the philosophy of the Upanishads, the teachings of the Patanjali Yoga Sutras, and the lessons in the Bhagavad Gita. Honoring the lineage of gurus and teachers I have now stepped into, my yoga offerings reflect the roots of where this practice came into full bloom.


In June 2024 I completed the requirements and I am now an RYT-500 certified yoga teacher. Alongside this, I am now certified in Pranayama, Yoga Nidra, Yin, and Sound Healing.


My offerings for my classes deeply reflect my own Sadhana - meditative, mindful, and threaded with ancient wisdom. Pranayama is present in every class along with a form of sound healing. There is movement and there is stillness. Cultivating Pratyahara and Dharana.


I am rooted in my home studio: Yoga and Massage in Laurel Park, NC. From where I continued my Asana practice from college to where I graduated YTT-200. I offer classes 4-5 per week - both my own classes and supporting my fellow teachers through subbing. Alongside this, I offer flow classes through the Mills River Parks and Recreation division.


Fulfilling my Dharma in this life as a yoga teacher feeds my soul with so much light. Aiding those wishing to transcend old thought patterns, release stuck traumas and emotions, and move through life with mindfulness invokes a feeling like no other.


The truth that anyone can practice yoga is something I hold near and dear to my heart. Whether you are brand new to yoga or a seasoned practitioner, I would love to co-create these experiences with you.



"Do not act as if you had ten thousand years to throw away. Death stands at your elbow. Be good for something while you live - it

is in your power."  - Marcus Aurelius

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